31 Pink Roses
Celebrate the strength, resilience, and memory of those touched by breast cancer with the 31 Pink Roses hat. This special edition features two pink roses atop a longhorn—one rose to honor those we’ve lost and another for the survivors who’ve triumphed over the battle. Designed with a 7-panel breathable fit, this hat offers both comfort and purpose, making it a powerful symbol of hope and unity in the fight against breast cancer.
Material: Durable and lightweight fabric for everyday wear
Fit: 7-panel breathable design for maximum comfort and a snug fit
Design: Two pink roses on a longhorn, representing both loss and survival in the breast cancer journey
Color: Soft pink to embody strength, remembrance, and hope
Celebrate the strength, resilience, and memory of those touched by breast cancer with the 31 Pink Roses hat. This special edition features two pink roses atop a longhorn—one rose to honor those we’ve lost and another for the survivors who’ve triumphed over the battle. Designed with a 7-panel breathable fit, this hat offers both comfort and purpose, making it a powerful symbol of hope and unity in the fight against breast cancer.
Material: Durable and lightweight fabric for everyday wear
Fit: 7-panel breathable design for maximum comfort and a snug fit
Design: Two pink roses on a longhorn, representing both loss and survival in the breast cancer journey
Color: Soft pink to embody strength, remembrance, and hope
Celebrate the strength, resilience, and memory of those touched by breast cancer with the 31 Pink Roses hat. This special edition features two pink roses atop a longhorn—one rose to honor those we’ve lost and another for the survivors who’ve triumphed over the battle. Designed with a 7-panel breathable fit, this hat offers both comfort and purpose, making it a powerful symbol of hope and unity in the fight against breast cancer.
Material: Durable and lightweight fabric for everyday wear
Fit: 7-panel breathable design for maximum comfort and a snug fit
Design: Two pink roses on a longhorn, representing both loss and survival in the breast cancer journey
Color: Soft pink to embody strength, remembrance, and hope