Where’s Waldo rodeo edition
Oh this was a great 3 ring circus of a day!!!
I drove to Oklahoma one random time to see Rocket compete and link with Riding Legacy for a quick round about on some ideas… When I tell you I came into town for 3 hours basically, like I spent more time driving than I did staying lol. I went to my moma’s to iron my clothes she was like “We don’t iron over here” she gave me this look of pure discuss. Like ugh take yah stuff to the cleaners if you want it pressed or starched, bye.
It was really a crazy day but that’s whatever. I get to the rodeo and link wit my girl Zay. We are both there to support Rocket and discuss some business ideas she had. Everybody’s uncle at the rodeo got the food or the drinks, possibly both. I love these rodeos because it be kids everywhere wit not 1 worry in the world, old folks with church fans, the fine Auntie’s that still gotta life and then the young and radical. It smell like Kush and Turkey legs… you might get a cold beer from the truck or a capri sun from the cooler.
In this photo we spotted Jay and the crew and was like take a pic! We was waaaaay to far away and it didn’t look like it was gonna work so we just kept talking and discussing a new idea she was thinking about. As crazy as the day was, I had no complaints worth air. We didn’t win anything that night but we learned something. This day brings me joy and reminds me to keep pouring into your people, keep uplifting the dream chasers.